Gathering the pieces & learning the lessons on my life journey

Posts tagged ‘clarity’

What Plan B?!

The lesson yesterday came in a twofold adventure, it showed up early in the morning & then again in the afternoon. Sometimes it is not necessary to deviate from the original plan!! Especially when the “plan B” is a result of second guessing!! This is no disrespect to the “Plan B” as I know from experience that there are times when the “backup plan” has been vital & kept me from hyper ventilating (hahahaha, no seriously hahaha). Yet the lesson came because in both cases the “plan B” showed up out of Fear! I was fearful that “Plan A” (the “original plan”) would not go the way I wanted or just all together wasn’t a good idea!

Well in a moment of panic caused by overthinking I birthed a “plan B”. Needless to say in the morning I sat in my “plan B” slightly annoyed but Clearly aware that this was a result of straying from “plan A” & my irritation subsided to a mantra of “welp this was my choice”! In the afternoon my “plan B” didn’t happen, because it was unable to manifest I was spared any irritation but Clearly reminded with a question “what was the point of straying from the “original plan” and Why did you choose that plan to begin with?!” I have noticed in the past few months that when I start to get weary of a choice that I’ve made it is extremely beneficial for me to Remember Why I made that particular choice in the first place!!

Again this is not a campaign against the very handy “plan B” I just learned that the “backup plan” should arrive with the same sound mind as the “original plan”. Fear in almost all cases has a way of blocking clarity!!